
Manifest This!

Below are few samples of monumental goals that can and have been achieved using the process in my


Below are some examples of some of my own clients initial struggles. 

Sound Familiar?
Every one of these dreams is and has been POSSIBLE using the process in my 

  • As a stay at home mother of 4 for over 22 years I need to step out of my comfort zone. I dream of creating a viable income from my Artwork.If money wasn't a problem I wound have an open studio where I could paint, teach and sell art. I also dream of being licensed and publishing a book.
  • Since I was a small child, when I would hear of people who were suffering in the world, I would dream of having unlimited resources to be able to help. I dream of having the financial freedom to give my children the education and opportunities to lead truly extraordinary lives and be able to contribute to the world in meaningful ways that bless their lives and the lives of others.envision being a NY Times best selling author, both in fiction (have an exciting, inspirational Young Adult novel that is in the re-write phase) and in inspirational non-fiction. I envision being a mixed media artist and eventually having a company that creates inspirational art. I envision having a healing center, where mind-body-and-spirit are treated equally and gently, and that helps with terminally ill patients and their families and friends. I envision having a creative company with all sorts of artistic, home and family products, that is a model for how a company should be run to bless the lives of its employees, its customers, the community, and the world. I envision traveling the world, giving workshops and seminars, donating time, money, resources and VISION to create a better world.
  • I’d be teaching art classes somehow and finding a way to integrate it with my own artwork. Finding a way to get to the core of the value of art and it’s process and not having it jump automatically into the world of entrepreneurship. Going back to the value of doing things simply because they are good for us to do...
  • If money were no object...nor financial life would be comfortable (consistent sources of income anywhere from $50-100,000 a year). I would teach my art craft around the US including art retreats like Art & Soul and The Girlie Show in Oklahoma. I will become a 'name' in the mixed media community and publish as well as design a line for a home-goods or paper company. I want it all. I know I can attain all of this with direction.
  • To find a way to contribute financially on a regular basis to our household...more to the point, I want to make at least $600 a week, every week and I want it to be art related in the areas that I love and practice and/or by helping others.
  • I want to make at least 125,000.00 per year. I want to be a full time fine artist whose work is taken seriously. I want to be not just in prestigious galleries, but museums and internationally recognized and appear in serious art magazines like modern painter. I want my work to challenge humanity with it's vulnerability, rawness and emotional honesty. And I want to start a publishing company to print up not just my visual journals, but others who are working in this same expressive way. I want to share with the world authentic art and authentic feelings.
  • I would have financial freedom, meaning the money would not be a day to day worry that it would be there for the things that I NEED and WANT. I would have a thriving jewelry business where I make one of kind and custom jewelry and also teach other to create their own masterpieces!
  • Continue to grow my business until it is profitable and I can take a comfortable salary. To do this I need to get a team of employees to do the technical work so that I can lead the company forward (do the strategic work). Eventually plan to sell the business and use the proceeds for my retirement
  • I want to find my life partner. I am 32 yrs old and want to be married. I dont know where to find him. I am tired of bad dates and the single life. I want to have a passionate relationship with the man of my dreams and have children. I am so afraid I will never find him.
  • Become a better listener, more patient, more forgiving and accepting, creating stronger relationships with others.
  • I want to have a stronger marriage. I WANT GOOD SEX! I want to have a better relationship with myself. I want to have healthy, supportive, non co-dependent relationships with my friends. I want to be a good friend, and I want to attract good friends. I want to have people in my life that I can be myself with.
  • I would like better boundaries around my relationships.
  • I would like to have the time to build better relationships, to attract positive people, to be able to communicate better with my loved ones.
  • Have the intimate passion with my husband again. We have drifted apart and there is a need to heal our relationship for our marriage to survive. I want us to laugh, spend time together. I want to be intimate often and feel loved and adored.
  • I wish I had women in my life that were strong, successful and authentic. I need new friends. I don't know where or how to find them.
  • I would love to have less stress, feel younger, look younger, have more energy, eat healthier, sleep better, feel whole and content. I want to have happiness in my life and to laugh more.
  • I need to lose some weight - about 30 pounds.
  • Lose weight and have more energy to exercise.
  • I have come so far. I have overcome more illnesses than you can possibly imagine. I still struggle with fibromyalgia and migraines. I WANT TO BE WHOLE AND COMPLETE. I want to be able to play with my kids and make all of our dreams come true. I start a special health program tomorrow that is supposed to help with the fibro, but it will be VERY CHALLENGING.
  • I want to have a healthy, vibrant body. I want to be and feel sexy. I want to have 20/20 vision. I want to be flexible. I want to have good joints. I want to be able to ski, play volleyball, weight lift, and complete cardio. I want to practice yoga five times a week. I want to be healthy!
  • I want to get through MENOPAUSE! I am a mess! I have gained weight, my emotions are all over the place, I am horrible to be around. this has made me a miserable person to be around. No wonder everyone stays away from me! I am SO angry about this.
  • I want to have a deep love for my God and Jesus Christ. I want to share my love for them through my actions and virtues of living simple and good. I want to pray to them each day twice a day. 
  • I want to create a loving connection with myself and my intuition so I can live more authentically and at peace. I want to exude love to the people who I meet and I want to create spiritual ritual and daily practices I can filter into my life and stick to a plan and create these habits.
  • I want to feel internal peace and stop with the negatives thoughts I have about myself. I want to heal from sexual abuse and feel whole, like I belong in this world and have value and a purpose just because I am the divine product of my creator. I want to get past shame and fear and see what the gift was in my childhood so I can help others with my experiences. I want my abuse to mean something! 
  • I want to strengthen and deepen that relationship through daily meditation, study and service. I want to attract people who want healing or life coaching, and I want to fully step into this, as well.
  • I want to get back to the place where I can feel deeply connected with the earth, with God, ... and not feel embarassed, or feel like I’m just jumping on some spiritual bandwagon.. I want to get back to that sense of authentic intimacy
  • Living the life of my dreams will allow me to live the spiritual life of my dreams as well. Being able to meditate more frequently. I want to attend spiritual retreats. I want to be connected to my art with faith and love to help open my soul for what the universe has to offer. This is my deepest desire.
  • I would have a stronger connection to my spirituality and the spirituality of others. I want to connect with the universe more!
  • I want to be spirit driven divine daughter of God. I want to be in tune with the the inspiration I receive and be open to the promptings and personal revelation given to me. I don't want to shy away from spiritual conversations and welcome the opportunity to talk about my faith. I want to be surrounded by abundance, and gratitude and share those messages with others.
  • I wanna get to the place where I can just live and grow and not overthink things. Learn to grow and pay attention without taking things too seriously. And play more.
  • To learn to follow through on my goals instead of allowing myself to feel defeated and give up. To stop hoarding things and shopping as a way to fill voids and to learn new, good ways to deal with these feelings. To be more affectionate with my children and my grandson...I tend to hold them at arms length.
  • I want to attend art retreats so I can learn and create friendships with women around the world. I want to attend spiritual retreats so I can be more in tune with myself. I want to be able to afford to travel so I can experience the world. I want to use my life to serve others and help to heal the world.
  • I would be able to attend ongoing training/seminars/retreats/workshops to continue my growth as an artist and as a teacher. I would be free to be open minded to learning and doing. Developing my craft and the skills I need to be the artist I dream about and write about in my journal. This is exciting to me.
  • I want to know what joy feels like. I don't think I know. I want to understand how to be a more grateful person. I am not sure how to be grateful for more then my family, home and car. I dont know how to find the beauty in things deeper then that. I try but I hit a wall. I want to know what loving myself feels like. I was molested as a child for 10 yrs by my father and my brother. I want to know that I am still a whole person and have value in the world. I want to stop abusing myself with self hatred. You tell me I AM LOVE! I don't believe you. I am a mistake and unworthy of love.
 click for Life Manifesto Course details 

Enjoy this nice video I didn't not make. I just posted to inspire you.


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